Abraham: “When you’re not happy, you don’t have anything to give.”
Bentinho Massaro: “If you’re not happy, you’re not helping.”
Bashar: “Being yourself .. is how you perform the best service to everyone else.”
Terah: “You cannot intersect with the happy, connected versions of others until you step into the happy, connected version of you.”

Let‘s be clear about something here before we begin. Without exception, this one and all of those within this community just love helping others to find their way into alignment with who they are. It’s right up there on their list of the most fun things to do. But serving others is not their primary purpose in life. It’s not the primary purpose of any of you. You (yes YOU) created this leading-edge space/time virtual reality of yours for the fun of experiencing what you can do, and create, within it. Part of that fun is mixing it up with the others you attract into it. They are all a match to you, and as you choose new beliefs, you change you and you change them.

You see, at your core you are a timeless consciousness, an extension of the collective consciousness of All That Is. You have experiences and you make choices. With each new choice, you step into a new version of you, and the context that surrounds you immediately changes to match that new you. That’s what you call the Law Of Attraction. That context seems like a shared, solid, continuous One World that’s external to you. But it’s not. It’s all an inside job. It’s your own personal creation, and there’s no-body and no-thing in heaven or earth that can assert anything into it that isn’t a match to those choices of yours. What you believe, becomes.

Let’s also be clear about what your emotions are. They are not just some sort of feelings you have that are internal to you and mean not much. You are always creating, and in terms of what you are creating at any moment in time, your feelings are always an absolute indicator. If you’re heading towards what you want, you feel good. If you’re heading away from what you want, you feel bad. That’s it. Think of your feelings as your emotional guidance system. They are your creative GPS. They tell you if you’re heading in the right direction, or if it’s time for a U-turn.

So what is it that you want? At this point you might be thinking .. I don’t really know what I want, so how can my feelings be so precise? Well of course there are always things that you want. Your desires are a part of you. Without them you wouldn’t exist. Think of those absolutes we just spoke about. At your core you are all freedom-seeking, joy-seeking, creative beings, so anything that heads you in those directions is going to feel good. Then there are all those things you’ve desired throughout your life and maybe forgotten or given up on. They’re still there. They’re still a part of you.

law of attraction and feeling good

Additional reading – http://www.theloaclub.com/?p=3169