1. We’re not “dead” and neither will you ever be.
2. We are all conscious entities, none more exalted than any other.
3. You can’t understand death until you understand life.
4. You change you and your worlds by what you choose to believe.
5. Death is no big deal. It’s just of the infinite ongoing choices you make.
6. Death is not black and white. It will be what you expect it to be.
7. When your perspective changes, you will want different things.
8. You can experience Source, and still know it is you who creates your worlds.
9. You can create the illusion of bad things, but you are creating from Source, and that is pure positive energy.
10. Peace and Power, Fun and Freedom, are always yours to choose .. no matter what realm you step into.

importance of feeling good

Related website link — http://www.theloaclub.com/?p=3159